Halifax Airport Hotel: HFX Airport Hotel, 60 Sky Blvd, Goffs, NS, B2T 1K3, hotels, rooming houses, camps & other lodging places

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Halifax Airport Hotel: HFX Airport Hotel

Company Name: Halifax Airport Hotel: HFX Airport Hotel
Status: Active
State: Nova Scotia
Post: B2T 1K3
City: Goffs
Address: 60 Sky Blvd
Phone: (902)873-3000
Fax: unknown
Email: reservations@airporthotelhalifax.com
Contact Owner: Halifax Airport Hotel: HFX Airport Hotel
Web site: https://airporthotelhalifax.com/
SIC code: 7000 Industry group: Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and Other Lodging Places, Business category: Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps & Other Lodging Places
Overall: Halifax Airport Hotel: HFX Airport Hotel is a business categorized under hotels, rooming houses, camps & other lodging places, which is part of the larger category hotels, rooming houses, camps, and other lodging places. Halifax Airport Hotel: HFX Airport Hotel is located at the address 60 Sky Blvd in Goffs, Nova Scotia B2T 1K3. The Owner is Halifax Airport Hotel: HFX Airport Hotel who can be contacted at (902)873-3000.
Description: Welcome to the Halifax Airport Hotel, your premier choice for comfort and convenience near Halifax Stanfield International Airport. Located just a three-minute drive from the airport and 35 kilometers from historic downtown Halifax, our pet-friendly hotel is ideal for both business and leisure travelers
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/airporthotelhalifax/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/qualityinnhalifaxairport
Working hours: 24 Hours

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